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Zoning Commission Record of Vote 03/09/2009

MONDAY – March 9, 2009, 7:30 P.M.
Memorial Town Hall
52 Lyme Street

1.      Convene Meeting; present and voting were regular members, Jane Cable, Vice Chairman, Jane Marsh, Secretary, Patrick Looney, Ted Kiritsis (alternate) and Beth Sullivan (alternate).  Also present were Ann Brown, Zoning Enforcement Officer and Kim Barrows.


1.   Special Permit Application/Coastal Site Plan Application to construct a structure in the Gateway Conservation Zone in excess of 4,000 square feet – 7 Town Landing Road - Steven A. and Barbara Gaudio -  the public hearing is being continued until the April 13th Regular Meeting to await a decision from the Inland Wetlands Commission.  A new landscape proposal is to be submitted to show placement of trees to the rear of the home facing the river to mitigate visual impact.

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to CONTINUE the Public Hearing on 7 Town Landing Road to the April 13, 2009 Regular Meeting as per letter submitted by Attorney William A. Childress dated March 4, 2009.   No testimony was heard.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.


  • Clarification and correction of technical errors contained in the comprehensive revision to the Old Lyme Zoning Regulations that were adopted by the Commission on March 7, 2008.  Copies of the amendments were on file in the Town Clerk’s Office – Public hearing was closed this evening.  
A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to close the public hearing. No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to amend the agenda to add under the regular meeting as item number 1, the clarification and correction of technical errors for a vote.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.


1.  Clarification and correction of technical errors contained in the comprehensive revision to the Old Lyme
        Zoning Regulations that were adopted by the Commission on March 7, 2008.  Copies of the amendments
        were on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.  

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to adopt the clarifications as presented and changes noted; Section 8.1.1 (add “in” to “Basements shall be included in the calculation of Total Floor Area”) and 9.6.2 (change the word “Effect” Plans to “Affect” Plans).  The changes to the regulations will have an

Zoning Commission
March 9, 2009 Regular Meeting – Record of Vote
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effective date of April 1, 2009.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

2.  Special Permit Application/Coastal Site Plan to construct a structure in the Gateway Conservation Zone in excess of 4,000 square feet – 7 Town Landing Road - Steven A. and Barbara Gaudio – CONTINUED TO APRIL 13, 2009.

3.         A.     Discussion and Review of District 18 zone change or regulation modification for the school campus to contend with the fact that the school campus contains R-15, RU-40 and RU-80 zone district areas.  

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to receive the petition for text amendment and set a public hearing for April 13, 2009.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

                B.    Discussion and Review of amendment to Zoning Map/Boundaries for District 18 school campus.  

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to receive the petition for amendment to the zoning map/boundary change and set a public hearing for April 13, 2009.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

4.   Discuss and/or act on request of Waiver of submitting a Special Permit for construction of a structure over
4,000 square feet in accordance with Section of the Zoning Regulations (Exception) – 14
Lieutenant River Lane – Harcourt W. and Michelle Davis.

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by B. Sullivan to GRANT A WAIVER of the Special Permit requirement for 14 Lieutenant River Lane since the structure will not be visible from the Connecticut River.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

5.   Petition for Amendment of the text to the Zoning Regulations, Section 12, Planned Residential Conservation

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to receive the petition for text amendment and set a public hearing for May 11, 2009.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

6.   Special Permit Application – 83 Shore Drive.  Proposed Dormer addition to existing single
family dwelling on property located at 83 Shore Drive, owned by Michael C. Brady.  

A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to receive the Special Permit Application for 83 Shore Drive and set a public hearing for April 13, 2009.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

7.   Special Permit/Coastal Site Plan Application to permit renovations and changes to an existing single family
4 bedroom dwelling – 92-1 Hillcrest Road, Richard and Kathleen Ramondetta.

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March 9, 2009 Regular Meeting – Record of Vote
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A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to receive the Special Permit/Coastal Site Plan Application for 92-1 Hillcrest Road and set a public hearing for April 13, 2009.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

8.   The Church of Christ the King, 1 McCurdy Road, bond release request.  

        A letter from Tom Metcalf, P.E. was received on February 10, 2009 stating the Town could release the bond.  To date, the mylar has not been recorded on the Land Records.  When the mylar is recorded, the bond can be released.  

        A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to release the bond money conditioned upon the mylar being recorded on the Land Records.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

9.  Graybill Properties, 11 Halls Road – Discussion re resolution re chimney for exhaust hood – Attorney McGarry working towards resolving the issues still outstanding.

10.  83 Hartford Avenue – Discussion re status re mechanical equipment box and landscaping per letter sent to applicant on February 5, 2009 – Mr. Grills was present to state that holly plants will be planted to soften the parking area.  Discussion with respect to enclosing the mechanicals.  It was suggested that metal fencing be pursued.

11. Review revised Registry regulations – Ms. Ann Brown submitted a revision dated March 9, 2009.  Attorney
Branse is to review this version and make comments.  Once that is done, Ms. Brown will forward it to the Commission members for comment.  The Commission is looking to have a final copy by the April 13, 2009 meeting in order to set a public hearing.

12.  Approval of Minutes -  A Motion was made by J. Marsh, seconded by P. Looney to approve the February 9, 2009 Public Hearing minutes and the Regular Meeting minutes with two corrections to the regular meeting; change Planetarium to Observatory and check the spelling of Laserfiche.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.

13.  Any new or old business – the Commission would like to add Wind Turbines to the April agenda for

14.  Correspondence - None

15.  Zoning Enforcement – Nothing to date

a.      Zoning Enforcement Report
        b.      Site Inspection Report

16.     Miscellaneous/Adjourn                                                                           

A Motion was made by P. Looney, seconded by B. Sullivan to adjourn the March 9, 2009 Regular Meeting.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  The motion was approved unanimously.  The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
                                                                                                Jane Cable, Vice Chairman